Translate InxGame Theme

Private: InxGame Casino, Gambling WordPress themes Documentation

inXgame casino WordPress theme is translation ready and insert a POT file inside the language folder of the theme file. There are several resources to generate a WordPress theme translation. You need to create a custom translation to translate inXgame into a separate language (localization). We recommend using PoEdit to make a custom translation for inXgame.

Here are some steps you can take to create a custom translation:

  1. First of all, download PoEdit and install it on your machine:
  2. Find the inXgame.pot file in the language folder of your theme, open it with PoEdit and make a new translation
  3. Translate the required text string. You’ll be able to come back and edit your translation later.
  4. Save the resulting file as your-theme-name-language_LOCALE.po, the .mo file will be compiled automatically. For example, for German language files should be named as Chromium-de_DE.po and
  5. Upload the saving files to wp-content/languages/ in your WordPress installation.
  6. Go to WordPress settings and adjust the Site language in the dropdown.
  7. Save changes.

If you would like to contribute to the translation on inXgame, please feel free to let us know on the Contact Us page.

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