Import Demo Content

The9 Store – Premium WordPress & WooCommerce Theme

You can quickly set up your site by importing demo content. There are two simple methods available, both explained below for your convenience:

Importing Demo Content with One-Click Demo Import:

Before you begin, ensure that all the required and recommended plugins are installed and activated.

  • Navigate to Dashboard > Appearance > Import Demo Content.
  • Browse through the available demo options, select your preferred one, and click Import.
  • The process may take some time, depending on your server speed and internet connection.
  • On average, the import takes about 8-10 minutes to complete.

Importing Demo Content Manually:

If the one-click demo import doesn’t work or you prefer a manual approach, follow these steps:

  • Go to Tools > Import in your WordPress dashboard.
  • Install the WordPress Importer plugin if you haven’t already.
  • Download the demo content files (XML, JSON, or required ZIP files) from the theme’s documentation or provider.
  • Click Run Importer under the WordPress section and upload the XML file.
  • Assign authors and configure the import settings as needed, then click Submit.
  • After the import is complete, go to Dashboard → Theme Options to adjust settings.
  • If widgets and customizer settings were included, import them separately using a plugin like Customizer Export/Import.

Note: If the import takes longer than 8-10 minutes, there could be an issue with your server settings. In this case, you may need to address either the max memory limit or the “500 Internal Server Error.” Learn how to adjust the max memory limit or resolve the 500 Internal Server Error for smoother imports.

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