
Construction WordPress Template

After purchase, the Consted PRO version you will get a notification email about purchase confirmation email with the download link or log in our site customer area then goes to Purchase History to download.

There is two way to install Consted WordPress Theme – Let's Check It out

To Install Consted through WP-Admin :-

  1. First, Navigate to  WP Dashboard —> Appearance —> Themes, then hit the Add New Theme button.
  2. Second, hit the upload button, and a browse button will appear. Now click the browse button.
  3. Afterward, a pop-up window will come, then take the file and hit the install now button to install.
  4. Now you’ve to wait patiently to complete your installation. After installation is complete, a activate button or link will appear.
  5. And finally, hit the activate button or link to activate the Consted theme.

To Install Consted through FTP Upload:-

If You Get Errors:-

If you encounter the message “Are you sure you want to do this? Please try again.” or “The link you followed has expired” when attempting to install, this is most likely occurring because your server has a low maximum file size upload/low maximum execution time set in the PHP settings. You must increase the following PHP settings to be greater than 24M (Any reputable hosting company will assist you with this quickly & hassle free):

or you can upload the theme through FTP instead to bypass this all together.


You need to activate some plugins to get all the Pro theme features.

When you finish activating the Pro theme, you’ll see the below notification:

To get all the Pro theme features

Now it’s the right time to click to start installing plugins. And you’ll be navigating to the Install Required Plugins page.

But before the start, please ensure all of them or some recommended plugins you like. Then, select install from the drop-down options, and click the Apply button.

Select install and click the Apply button

After finishing the installations of require plugins, you’ll be navigating to another page. And it’ll look like:

Finishing the installations of require plugins

NB:- Bear in mind, these are the essential plugins for the Fastest WordPress Shop Pro theme, given below.

So, below is a listing of theme require plugins. You need to activate the required plugins to get your Fastest WordPress Shop Pro theme’s full functionality.

  1. Elementor
  2. Codestar Framework ( include with theme )
  3. Layouts for Elementor Pro ( include with theme )
  4.  Sina Extension for Elementor
  5.  Sina Extension Pro for Elementor ( include with theme )
  6. Contact Form 7
  7. Instagram Feed Widget


Consted wraps up with a one-click demo importer to make your site very easily and fast like our demo. To import the Demo Content, Consted theme’s has two (02) method. Carefully read the given below instruction to learn how to make it:

Import Demo Content Via One-Click Demo Importer:

So, before starting the instruction, please be confirmed that you’ve installed and activated the required and recommended plugins.

  1. Firstly, oper your WordPress dashboard, then navigate to Appearance -> Import Demo Data.
  2. Here you’ll see your demo contents, therefore pick the one you want to import and click the import button.
  3. It’ll take approx 6-10 minutes, so wait patiently for the import process to complete.

Preview gif of importing the Demo Content of WordPress store theme

Another method of Demo Content importing

Here is another process to import the Demo Content. So, let’s apply it:

  1. Firstly, run your WordPress dashboard, then go to Tools -> Import.
  2. Find and pick the “WordPress” from the list.
  3. Upload the demo.xml using the form provided on the theme page.
  4. You’ll be asked to map the authors in this export file to users on the blog. For every author, you may choose to map to an existing user on the blog or to make a new user.
  5. Then you’ll have the opportunity to import attachments, therefore, click the “Download and import file attachments” box.
  6. After finishing the demo import, you’ve to select the static home and blog page.

How long the process should take:

Basically, it’ll take max 6-10 minutes to complete. But if you see the import is taking more than 6-10 minutes, there’s might be a problem. So, you can turn away from the import page.

Or, if your import gets stuck, you need to increase the max execution time. You can add this code to your wp-config.php file right above the “/* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */” line:


If you constantly have the trouble, be confirmed that you’ve enough memory allocated to PHP. This can be set in your wp-config.php file. Try upping it to 256M.

The General setting is an option where we provide all the necessary information, so you can easily customize the Consted.

How to upload the logo, favicon and more?

To upload the logo, first of all, open your WordPress Dashboard, then go to Theme options –> General Options. There you’ll find a button box named by Add image. So, click to make the change.

Creating a New Menu

Within your WordPress dashboard, Go on Appearance >> Menus. At the top of the page, click the create a new menu link.

Creating a New Menu

Attaching Items to a Menu

You can add various link types into your menu, these are divided between panes left of the menu you’re currently editing.

  1. Locate the pane entitled Pages.
  2. In this pane, select the View All link to bring up a listing of all the recently published Pages on your site.
  3. Select the Pages that you want to add by clicking the checkbox next to any Page’s title.
  4. Click the Add to Menu button located at the bottom of this page to add your selection(s) to the menu that you created in the earlier step.
  5. Click the Save Menu button once you’ve added all the menu items you require.

Your custom menu has now been saved.

Attaching Items to a Menu

Note: The Screen Options tab in the above right enables you to add additional item types to menus.

Assessing Your Menu to Locations

The plan has four menu Theme Locations that you can assign a menu to.

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the menu editor window.
  2. In the section titled Theme locations, tick the checkbox for the location where you wish to appear the menu.
  3. Click the Save menu once you’ve done your selection.

Customize menu

To customize the main menu, please navigate to WordPress dashboard >> theme Options >> Header Settings >> Menu Options.. Below screen find to update and save the theme options

Let’s go ahead & activate a static front-page for Consted. Please follow the guidance below:

Scroll down to bottom of page for instructions.

Step 1

Create (or editing) a new page by going to Pages > Add New in the WordPress Dashboard

Step 2

Give it a title and Choose Page Template & Go editor elementor page builder mode.

Step 3

Clicking on it will launch the Elementor user interface where you can edit your page using Elementor’s drag and drop page builder.

Now you can add sections and build your page from scratch.

after added your widgets hit to publish button.

Learn more about elementor section , check right menu of documentation

Step 5

Go to Settings > Reading.

Select the homepage from dropdown list. This page will become your home/front page.

Select the posts page from dropdown list. This page will become your blog page.

That’s it, you’re done!

Settings up slider / video / image

There are two ways to set up your home hero section, one is using the theme options or using any 3rd party plugins as widgets. we are going to show both ways to manage hero section of the home page.

Adding Hero section Through Theme Options

To add slider or video from theme options, please navigate WP-admin –> Theme options –> Hero section –> Home Page Hero . you will find more as bellow screenshot.Add you are items and save the save options. then hero section will auto appears to your home.

home hero section

Adding Hero section Through any 3rd party plugins

if you like to use 3rd party slider plugins or any other, you can do simply as adding widgets, let’s go wp-admin –> Appearance –> Widgets –> Static Home Page, as screenshot bellow.

Adding Hero section Through any 3rd party plugins

To start working with Elementor, go to the WordPress dashboard. Then, add a new page by clicking on Pages > Add New. Then, create a new page and save it with the ‘full width’ template or home page template and then click on the ‘Edit with Elementor’ button.


Consted Blocks

Consted Pre made Tempalte

Video Instructions ( How To Use Elementor )

Page Settings offer different ways to change page layouts. The similarity of those terms is, at first, a little confused; let’s get an overview of what they each do.

How to change the page layout?

In general, there are only 2 simple processes to update the Consted theme.

1) let’s update the page layout Globally; please Navigate to wp-admin –> Theme Options –> Page Settings, and you will find the below screenshot .

Page Templates

2) Page layout update via page meta box, let’s go wp-admin –> add a new page –> Template and choose a template from the dropdown list 

Page Templates

How to remove/update the static page hero section?

You can show or hide the page here section or title. When you’re editing/adding a new page, this is what you should be looking for:

1) Using meta box to hide the hero section.

hide the hero section

2) Global setting to hide the hero section

hide the hero section

How to update the 404-page content?

With the Consted pro, you have options or customize the 404 page.

update the 404-page content

In this segment, you’ll learn every potential customization of Blog layouts Of the Consted theme. Therefore, to customize the Blog layouts, read patiently but carefully to customizing.

How to change the blog layout?

First, go to your WP Dashboard —> Theme Options —> Blog Options —> Archive/Blog. And in there, you’ll find the Blog Layout and a box with few options, such as Content – Primary Sidebar, Primary Sidebar – Content, No Sidebar, Full Container, etc. So, make the Blog Layout you desire.

Change the blog layout

How to change the Post style or Blog Template Layout on the Archive/Category?

First, go to your WP Dashboard —> Theme Options —> Blog Options —> Archive/Blog. And in there, you’ll find the Blog Template Layout with six different styles, such as Large image style, List style, 1 Larger than List style, Grid style, 1 Larger than Grid style, and Masonry style. So, make the change you desire.

Change the blog template layout

How to change the Post Heading on Archive/Category?

First, go to your WP Dashboard —> Theme Options —> Blog Options —> Archive/Blog. And in there, you’ll find the Archive heading Tag and a box with few options, such as H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, etc. So, make the change of Heading on Archive/Category.

Change the Post Heading

How to disable/enable the Posts Meta on Archive/Category?

First, go to your WP Dashboard —> Theme Options —> Blog Options —> Archive/Blog. And in there, you’ll find the Posts Meta and a few options, such as Avatar, Author Name, Posted Date, Comment Count, and Categories. So, hit the boxes to disable/enable the Posts Meta.

Disable/enable the Posts Meta

How to change the read more/continue reading texts?

First, run your WP Dashboard —> Theme Options —> Blog Options —> Archive/Blog. And in there, you’ll find the Archive Read more with an empty box. So, write there to make the change.

Change the read more

NB: Bear in mind, if you move without writing the box, it hides…

How to change the Post Content-type?

First, run your WP Dashboard —> Theme Options —> Blog Options —> Archive/Blog. And in there, you’ll find the Content-Type and a box with a few options, such as to excerpt, content, and no content. So, judge wisely to switch the Post Content.

Change the Post Content-type

How you’ll change the Archive/Blog page Title/Description?

By default, the Consted theme shows the Site Title and Tag line. Therefore, changing the Site Title and Tag line without touching, first, go to your WP Dashboard —> Theme Options —> Blog Options —> Archive/Blog. And in there, you’ll find the Custom Archive Title and Custom Archive Description with their empty boxes. So, make the change you desire.

Change the Archive/Blog page Title/Description

You can manage blog posts and categories in Posts section inside WordPress dashboard. this segment wraps with Single Posts Layout, enable/disable Post Meta, Post share icons, Related posts, column settings, and so on. So, to learn and customize the Single posts, let’s begin the topic.

How to change the Single Posts Layout?

First, run your WP Dashboard —> Theme Options —> Blog Options —> Single. And in there, you’ll find the Single Posts Layout and a box with a few options, such as Content – Primary Sidebar, Primary Sidebar – Content, No Sidebar, Full Container, etc. So, make the Single Posts Layout you desire.

Change the Single Posts Layout

How to disable/enable the Post Meta on Single Posts?

First, go to your WP Dashboard —> Theme Options —> Blog Options —> Single. And in there, you’ll find the Posts Meta and a few options, such as Avatar, Author Name, Posted Date, Comment Count, Categories, and Tag. So, hit the boxes to disable/enable the Posts Meta.

Enable the Post Meta

How to disable/enable the Next and Previous post?

First, go to your WP Dashboard —> Theme Options —> Blog Options —> Single. And in there, you’ll find the Next and Previous post with an On/Off button. So, click “On” to enable the Next and Previous post.

Enable the Next and Previous post

How to show the Featured Image and disable/enable the Social Share Links on Single Post?

First, go to your WP Dashboard —> Theme Options —> Blog Options —> Single. You’ll find the Featured Image on Single Post with an On/Off button in there. So, hit the button to “On” to show the Featured Image on Single Post.

Second, go to your WP Dashboard —> Theme Options —> Blog Options —> Single. And in there, you’ll find the Social Share Links with an On/Off button. So, click “Off” to disable the Social Share Links.

Featured Image and Social Share Links on Single Post

How to disable/enable the Related Posts and Column settings?

First, go to your WP Dashboard —> Theme Options —> Blog Options —> Single. You’ll find the Related Posts with an On/Off button. So, click “On/Off” to enable/disable the Related Posts.

Similarly, you’ll find the Related Posts Columns (Desktop grids, Tablet grids, and Phone grids) and Related Post limit with their respective buttons. So, make the customization you desire.

Enable the Related Posts and Column settings

You can manage the service page inside the WordPress dashboard. Scroll down to the bottom of the page for instructions.

How to add a new service item?

Let's go WordPress Dashboard >> Service >> add new service. follow up bellow Instructions

Display Service list on a page or home?

after adding service item, you can display the service list on any page. Choose a widget like the below screen. Setting update Your all settings and hit the save button!

Service Page settings?

You can choose a page to display all service listings, and numbers post on the service archive or update URL , to do those, please navigate to wp-admin ---> theme options--> service. like as bellow

You can manage the Project page inside the WordPress dashboard. Scroll down to the bottom of the page for instructions.

How to add a new Project item?

Let's go WordPress Dashboard >> Project >> add new service. follow up bellow Instructions

Display Project list on a page or home?

after adding service item, you can display the Project list on any page. Choose a widget like the below screen. Setting update Your all settings and hit the save button!

Project Page settings?

You can choose a page to display all Project listings, and numbers post on the service archive or update URL , to do those, please navigate to wp-admin ---> theme options--> service. like as bellow

Every WordPress theme contains some texts that need to be translated into your language if you are building a non-English website. This theme if fully translation ready.

How to Translate a Theme

Method 1: Using Poedit software

  1. Create a copy of the original modern/languages/modern.pot file.

  2. Rename the copied file now: add hyphen followed with your language code locale, and change the file extension to "po".
    (So, the British English file would be named modern-en_GB.po.)

  3. Use Poedit to translate the file and export (save) translation in "mo" file format.

  4. Upload translated file into your WordPress languages directory, into themes folder (such as /wp-content/languages/themes/ (if the themes folder does not exist in your WordPress languages directory, create it).

Methos 2: Translating in WordPress admin

If you would like to translate the theme directly in your WordPress dashboard you need to use a specialized plugin. Check out Loco Translate plugin and instructions on how to use it at beginner's guide and technical overview.

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